It is recommended to take Cialis 10mg, the effect is very good, and the side effects are small

Prostate hypertrophy, erectile dysfunction (impotence), and premature ejaculation are the three main diseases that plague men, all of which are related to male sexual function. The good news is that Cialis, the original treatment for erectile dysfunction, is also effective in treating enlarged prostate. That is, patients taking Cialis can treat two diseases at the same time, killing two birds with one stone!

enlarged prostate

"Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia", referred to as BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). It seems that all men get the disease as they get older. The latest medical report points out that with the changes in modern eating habits and lifestyle, more and more men are suffering from premature prostate hypertrophy, with an average age of 45 years old. You know, 10 years ago, men over the age of 50 slowly had this problem.

Common symptoms of an enlarged prostate:

1. Frequent urination

2. Nocturia (will keep cialis malaysia getting up at night to go to the toilet)

3. Urgency to urinate (you have to urinate immediately when you feel the urge to urinate)

4. cialis side effects Difficulty urinating

5. Going to the toilet for a long time but unable to empty the urine

6. Acute urinary obstruction.

Cialis for Prostate Hypertrophy
In general, the treatment cialis 5mg plan of oral medication used by physicians for the treatment of prostate hypertrophy is to take 5 mg of Cialis daily, which is also the recommended dose in the United States and the European Union. The long-acting aphrodisiac "Cialis" not only relaxes the smooth muscles of patients, improves blood supply, and treats erectile dysfunction, but also helps patients with hypertrophy of the prostate reduce the muscle tension in the prostate, relax the smooth muscles of the bladder and urethra, and reduce the resistance of cialis side effects the urethra. Urinate more easily.

In addition, it can maintain the good compliance and elasticity of the bladder, and has a protective effect on the bladder.

Medication can be taken at the initial stage. If there is no improvement, surgery or laser therapy should be considered.

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